The Prey Manager shares how the original Predator character inspired the new Brickwell

Most entries in predator The franchise has embraced sci-fi themes and situations, but with the future victim, director Dan Trachtenberg aims to transport the concept years into the past, an idea he’s been thinking about for decades. In fact, the idea for the movie doesn’t necessarily come from the events of the original 1987 predator, but instead was inspired by an indirect description of the plot imparted to him, particularly the character of Billy (Sonny Landham). More specifically, it was the image of a Native American Scout battling a predator that stuck with him and helped motivate his approach to the new movie. victim It lands on Hulu on August 5th.

“I was longing to see it, but I wasn’t allowed to,” Trachtenberg said in detail empirefor every AvPG Galaxy. “In the third grade, I was on my way to a karate tournament with these [older kids] who saw [Predator]And, over the course of the entire trip, they describe the entire movie. I remember them clearly saying there is this character, Billy [Sonny Landham]A Native American Scout fighting a predator on the bridge over a waterfall.

It’s funny that this scene wasn’t actually in the movie, but it was a concept that resonated with it.

With the original movie featuring a colorful cast of characters, Billy had to compete on screen with characters played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Karl Withers and Jesse Ventura. As if the initial portrayals of such a character battling a predator weren’t compelling enough, Trachtenberg also wanted to place a character who would normally be a supporting character at the center of the film’s story.

“I wanted to shift the focus to someone who is usually a friend,” the director said. “in predatorBilly was just one of the guys on the team. in victimWe’re watching someone lead this movie who has never led this kind of movie before.”

Set in the Comanche Nation 300 years ago, victim It is the story of a young woman, Naru, a fierce and highly skilled female warrior. She has grown up in the shadow of some of the most legendary hunters who roam the Great Plains, so when danger threatens her camp, she sets out to protect her people. The prey you hunt and eventually encounter turns out to be a highly advanced space predator with a technologically advanced arsenal of weapons, resulting in a fierce and terrifying confrontation between the two opponents.

victim Shows in theaters on August 5th.

Are you looking forward to the new movie? Tell us in the comments or contact Patrick Kavanaugh Live on Twitter To talk about all things Star Wars and horror!



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